Good news for those who want MUTV

Brian Klein

First MTV came back to Des Moines, now MUTV might be coming back to Iowa State.

Brett Johnson, president of Memorial Union Television, has been working since the beginning of this semester to bring Memorial Union Television (MUTV) back to the students of Iowa State.

MUTV is a committee of six people that creates advertisements for student activities as well as other university-related activities and broadcasts them on televisions in the Memorial Union.

“We don’t have everything specific and fine-tuned,” said Johnson, a senior in agricultural engineering, “but we are getting closer to being ready to broadcast.”

There are three televisions in the Union. One is used in the MUTV office to check advertisements. The other two televisions are located by the post office and the second-floor vending machines.

Johnson said the location of the TV sets are subject to change. The committee for MUTV is considering moving the sets into the Trophy Tavern so people can watch the advertisements while eating.

The plan is to put sets on the north and south ends of the Trophy Tavern, and arrange the tables around them for everyone to watch.

“Since there is no ceiling in Trophy Tavern, and everything is pretty much out in the open, the cables will be exposed, and I don’t know if [we] would want that,” Johnson said.

In addition, the committee is considering placing a set in the Maintenance Shop, he said.

MUTV began as the Electronic Entertainment Council in 1992 to set up a student-controlled form of promotion for student activities. This council eventually evolved and was renamed Memorial Union Television in the fall of 1995, Johnson said. With a grant from the Student Union Board, Johnson was able to get things going.

MUTV went off-line last May because of waning interest in the ads. Johnson tried to keep it going for the fall 1996 semester, but complications with the renovations in the Memorial Union and a busy schedule thwarted any chances, Johnson said.

Johnson decided to give a stronger effort to bring it back this semester because of all the money that was already invested in the project.

Since the work is done on a volunteer basis, it has been hard for Johnson to motivate people to help with MUTV. He is looking for people who may be interested in helping. He can be e-mailed at: [email protected] or found in the West Side Office Space in the Union.