Learning from our past

Editorial Board

How ironic it is that two of Iowa State’s most important decisions affecting minority students are expected to come down today — the beginning of Black History Month.

Today, President Martin Jischke is expected to make his recommendation on whether to rename Cyclone Stadium after Jack Trice, Iowa State’s first black football player. Also, the Office of Judicial Affairs will decide whether student minority leaders will be removed from the offices, or be removed from the university altogether, for being active in their cause.

Perhaps the university has a lesson to learn. Officials boast about a diverse Iowa State population, but recent actions show otherwise. The university sells the public and prospective students on its “diversity” — on how Iowa State is a community of people and cultures from all over the world. However, it seems university officials aren’t true to their words when it comes to recognizing students and their concerns. Students soon discover that maybe Iowa State isn’t as diverse as they had once thought.

We should stop attempting to silence our vocal student leaders.

We should recognize Jack Trice’s legacy by naming our stadium after him.

We should follow the spirit of Black History Month the best way we can. Four professors who circulated a petition in support of these students have shown the right spirit. University administrators should also realize that their actions speak louder than words.

What better time is there to show spirit and begin the right course of action than during Black History Month?