Alumni: Involvement is the key to success

Josh Hart

Good grades are an important part of a college experience, but according to some Iowa State alumni, what goes on outside the classroom is just as important.

Steve Zumbach, a 1973 ISU graduate and now a partner in Belin Harris Lamson McCormick law firm in Des Moines, said, “Getting involved is very, very important.”

While at ISU, Zumbach said he was student body president and a state Board of Regents student representative.

He said, “There are two fundamental points. A strong academic background is needed to be able to analyze problems, and one also needs to be able to solve them.”

Carol Cordell, student organizations development coordinator, said if students can walk into an interview with proof that they can work in a group, try new ideas and solve problems, they will be ahead of other candidates who only have in-class experience.

Zumbach said, “When you become a problem solver you can make things happen.”

John DeVries, a 1959 ISU graduate and president of DeVries Communications in West Des Moines, also advised students to get involved with activities outside the classroom.

“Appreciate the value of education. Remember to get involved with outside-of-school activities to have a well-rounded experience,” DeVries said.

Other alumni said getting involved in activities creates discipline, a characteristic needed in today’s world.

Gary Thompson, president of Thompson Oil Company in Ames and a 1957 graduate, was involved in basketball and baseball at Iowa State.

He said, “The big thing is discipline, and also the little things like being on time.”

Thompson said often he finds that the students who do not get involved do not have much discipline.

John Cosgrove, a 1956 graduate and president of the Collins Avionics and Communications Division at Rockwell International in Cedar Rapids, said, “I worked at a restaurant, because of my economic situation, about 25 hours a week. To be successful, you must be prepared, and you must be a hard worker to set the stage for opportunities.”