New ERA is something

Editorial Board

In 1998, Iowans will again have the opportunity to vote on the Equal Rights Amendment and add it to the state’s constitution.

While many are wiping their brows and muttering, “finally,” it still is only a watered down version of what was once a real idea with real substance.

Why settle for less?

Because right now it’s all we’ve got.

Equality among men and women in the form of a constitutional law has been a hot topic for decades.

It’s too bad that the only way it can be ratified is to strip it of everything for which it was created.

What about the newest version that Gov. Branstad will pass and the Iowa House and Senate will vote on?

It just adds the words, “and women,” following the word, “men.”

It is somewhat pathetic considering what can really be done.

Iowa has the opportunity to set a precedent here when it comes to women’s rights. Iowa setting a precedent? How often does that happen?

This is not a political thing. This is not a battle-of-the- sexes thing. This is not a special-interests thing.

This is a common-sense thing.

Granted, this new proposal doesn’t have the same bite as it’s predecessor, but it must be passed because every journey has a beginning somewhere.

Iowa’s journey begins here, with this law.

What must be taken into consideration is that it cannot stop here.

Iowa must continue to strive to achieve a real place for women in society, and what better time than just before the beginning of the next century?

We are not looking for excuses, just common sense to do what’s right and what’s fair.

We cannot find ourselves relaxing with what’s comfortable.