Making health a habit

Brian Klein

Many students may have vowed to throw out the junk food and start eating healthier as one of their New Year’s resolutions this year. A workshop sponsored by the Ames Park and Recreation board may help make that resolution come true.

Eating for Energy, a six-week workshop, is being offered to the general public in hopes to inform and answer any questions people have concerning maintaining a healthy diet.

Tanya Hargrave-Klein, public wellness supervisor, said the workshop was offered in the past and it was popular with people of all age groups and occupations. She said there are two good reasons why students should take advantage of the workshop.

First, a registered dietitian will teach the classes to explain different myths about healthy eating, and to teach correct eating habits. The dietitian will also provide instructions on how to incorporate eating healthy into a busy lifestyle.

Hargrave-Klein said another important part of the workshops is the discussion held among participants.

“The participants are allowed to debate on the different issues involved with eating healthy and help decide on practical applications of a good diet,” she said. The debates help with the overall effectiveness of the workshops, she said.

Topics to be discussed at the workshops include, food labels, recipe modifications, the food/mood connection, and eating out.

Classes begin on Jan. 21, and will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the at the Ames Community Center located at Fifth Street and Clark Avenue.

Registration can be done by phone by calling 239-5360 and must be done by 5 p.m. Jan. 16.