Think of others before yourself

Editorial Board

On Monday night, a large portion of Ames was without power due to an automobile accident.

While some residents were stumbling around in the dark, many others were also without cable television.

Streetlights and stoplights were lifeless on a murky Lincoln Way, and cars had to do some serious maneuvers to avoid new collisions. It was bad.

Turns out that the accident was caused by a hot shot with too little time on his hands.

The sporty red car he was driving was just fast enough to clip a guide wire on a telephone pole leaving many in Ames without the ability to see, work, study, cook — whatever.

His response to the event however, was somewhat surprising.

Even after the the blackout; after the fire truck and police cars arrived; after he changed his tire and spoke with the officers on the scene, he muttered, “This just keeps getting better and better.”

How arrogant.

Sometimes people do stupid things. Trying to pass a car on a residential street at an excessive speed is just one of these things.

Was this man concerned for the safety of others with him behind the wheel? Was he concerned for the lack of lights on the streets?

Was he even concerned for the temporary, but painful loss of cable TV?

No. He just wanted to be cool.

Sorry, but this driver was anything but cool.

Remember high school? A license was, and still is a privilege, no matter how old you are.

There are people out there who are ignorant on issues and circumstances. Phobias and hatred run rank in our society, and have their own dangers.

Then there’s stupidity. Stupidity is even worse because you do what you do, even when you know better.

Grow up, speed-demon. And take a little consideration for others, instead of worrying about yourself.

No one should be without cable TV because of you.