Cecelia Burnett cares about Iowa

Ralph Rosenberg

I support Cele Burnett for re-election to the House of Representatives for many reasons.

I support Cele’s re-election because Cele cares about quality education—at all levels—and because Cele speaks her mind and reflects our priorities about quality education.

Cele understands the need to fund higher education at a level to support faculty and staff and at a level to keep tuition affordable. From quality K-12 education to affordable higher education policies, Cele stands up for current and future generations.

I support Cele’s re-election because the environment and our natural resources demand perpetual protection. And the legislature needs and society deserves as many environmental advocates as possible.

She has combined her work experience with a level of commitment to produce —in only her first term—a broad level of respect for her views on the environment. In recognition of her expertise, she has been appointed to the National Environment Committee by the National Conference of State Legislatures.

I support Cele’s re-election because children and families need as many voices as possible in the legislature. Whether it is support for distressed families, at-risk children, expansion of health insurance coverage, or funding for nursing homes, Cele consistently uses her votes to strengthen and support our children and families.

So when you see her or her supporters out door-knocking, introduce yourself and ask her about her stands on these and other issues. You will see what I mean.

Ralph Rosenberg

Ames resident