Blood drive kicks off today

Corey Moss

The largest student-run blood drive in the nation begins today, and student committee members say they should have no problem reaching their goal of 2,000 donors.

“We’ve had as many as 1,800 in the past,” said Kate Gregg, Fall Blood Drive co-chair.

Five blood banks will gather in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union to lead the drive. Gregg said 2,000 pints is the maximum the five groups can handle.

The blood drive will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday.

“The whole donation process takes about an hour,” said Erin Walter, the other Fall Blood Drive co-chair. “Everyone is assigned a blood center. You’ll register and meet with a nurse to determine your donor eligibility.”

Walter said the actual blood transfer takes about 10 minutes, plus a 15-minute recuperation time, complete with cookies and entertainment.

“It will be like a little movie theater in there,” Gregg said. “On Tuesday, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., KCCQ will be there along with some campus celebrities like the [Government of the Student Body] president and vice president, Women’s Basketball Coach Bill Fennelly and some of the ISU Hockey Club cheerleaders.”

On Thursday and Friday, the entertainment will focus on Halloween, including free spider rings, a witch’s cauldron and Halloween movies.

Blood donors must be at least 18 years old and weigh more than 110 pounds. Those who have gotten a tattoo within the last year or a piercing done by anyone other than a doctor in the last six months are also disqualified.

Gregg said donors should be feeling well on the day of the donation and can not be taking any antibiotics. Donors do not have to know their blood type, but can find out by donating.

“Some of the blood centers even send you a card that tells you how much blood you have donated,” Gregg said. “It’s kind of fun, like I think I have donated a half gallon. I know people from my home town that have donated 8 gallons.

For Gregg and Walter, members of Pi Beta Phi Sorority, donating blood was put into perspective when their house mom was diagnosed with leukemia last year.

“She has used 50 units of blood,” Gregg said. “That’s the same number of girls we have in our house.”

By donating blood, every sorority, fraternity and residence hall floor is eligible to win a pizza party from Home Team Pizza. The house or floor with the highest percentage of participation will win.

The ISU club or organization with the most donors will be rewarded with a sub party from Hy-Vee.

“You also get a coupon book when you leave,” Gregg said. “And get to put your name in two raffle boxes for over 180 different prizes.”

Prizes include night stays in Des Moines hotels, date packages with theater passes and restaurant gift certificates, movie passes, a free massage, a free oil change and a ski package for four.