Sexual harassment suit against ISU settled

Tracy Deutmeyer

With a few more signatures, the university’s two-year sexual harassment ordeal will be over.

A settlement has been reached, but not finalized, for a sexual harassment case involving Iowa State University and three former employees.

In May 1994, Jolene Hynes, a former ISU Research Park employee, filed the suit against ISU, the state of Iowa, ISU Research Park and nine other individuals.

“We can confirm that a check has been issued. In August, a check was issued for $157,700 to Jolene Hynes, Linda Dutton, Laurel Nelson [the defendants] and Roxanne Conlin and Associates [their lawyer] of Des Moines,” said Robert Brammer, public information officer of the Iowa Attorney General’s Office.

“We are still waiting for signatures. We have not reached a final settlement,” Brammer said.

Individual defendants in the suit include Martin Jischke, ISU president; Warren Madden, vice president of business and finance; Reid Crawford, former vice president of external affairs; Leonard Goldman, director of ISU Research Park; Wayne Moore, secretary of ISU Research; Patricia Swan, vice provost of research administration; Frank Brown, former director of personnel in the office of the vice president of business and finance; Edwin Lewis, associate provost and Wayne Richey, state Board of Regents executive director.

According to Polk County District Court records, Hynes began working at the ISU Research park on Oct. 19, 1987, as a second-level program assistant. She later became the operations manager and assistant to Leonard Goldman, director of the ISU Research Park.

The records said that throughout Hynes’ employment at the Research Park, Goldman subjected her to sexual jokes, innuendoes, questions and suggestions.

Court records also indicate that throughout her employment, Goldman “frequently screamed and swore at Hynes and on several occasions, he grabbed files out of her hands in anger.”

In 1988, Hynes informed Crawford and Moore about the sexually hostile work environment created by Goldman.

But according to the records, the sexually harassing conduct worsened after Hynes told Moore and Crawford about the hostile environment.

Between November 1992 and July 1993, Hynes contacted several people about Goldman’s behavior. Some of those people included Jischke, Madden, Crawford, Moore, Swan, Brown, Lewis and Richey.

The petition states that the harassment and working conditions never improved despite Hynes’ numerous complaints and the filing of a grievance.

On Nov. 17, 1992, Hynes signed a release and covenant to not sue ISU, the Research Park or the State of Iowa.

The agreement stated that she would receive a “developmental leave with pay” until June 30, 1993.

The petition further states that at the time Hynes signed the agreement, she was under emotional and economic stress as a direct result of the conduct of the defendants.

Hynes’ duties and responsibilities for the ISU Research Park ended on Nov. 16, 1992.

Hynes now works at Ames Technologies, Inc.

Goldman is still listed in the university directory as the ISU Research Park director.