Leadership ISU set for semester

Tim Frerking

A new program for Iowa State freshmen interested in developing leadership skills, called Leadership ISU, will have its first meeting Friday, Aug. 23, at 1 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

Leadership ISU was created by Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Thielen and other staff of the Student Affairs division and is designed to provide a supportive network and to introduce leadership opportunities for high-ability, first-year students.

“Leadership ISU grew out of the increasing demand we have seen in the world of business, industry and the public sector for graduates who have experiences in leadership activities and can work with people on complex issues,” Thielen said in a prepared statement.

President Martin Jischke will give a welcome speech at the meeting and women’s basketball coach Bill Fennelly will be the keynote speaker for the three-hour orientation session.

According to an ISU press release, Leadership ISU is a one-semester program that will involve more than 100 students during the 1996-97 school year.

The students for the pilot year of Leadership ISU have already been chosen, said Terri Houston, assistant dean of students and the coordinator of the new program.

Anyone interested in serving as a faculty or staff adviser for a Leadership ISU group can contact Houston at the Student Activities Center in room B6 of the Memorial Union.