Roadblock Party today

Tara Deering

In an effort to get students acquainted with officers and staff, the Department of Public Safety is throwing their second annual Roadblock Party on Wednesday.

Loras Jaeger, director of the DPS, said he hopes the ISU Roadblock party will be a great success.

“The purpose of the party is to let faculty and students get to know public safety officials, and to give information on safety issues,” he said.

Along with safety information, there will also be fun activities and food. Activities include a dunk tank, miniature golf, park and board games and a display table. The DPS will also supply pizza and pop.

Kelly Posey, a sophomore in pre-civil engineering, said, “I feel that many people on campus don’t like the DPS officials, so the ISU Roadblock Party might be worthwhile if people go and meet the officials.”

Bicycle safety will also be one of the issues discussed. Many ISU students own bicycles and use them daily to get to and from classes.

Aldona Jelinek, a freshman in pre-engineering, said, “I don’t know a lot about the rules of bicycle riding on the sidewalk, but I know you can ride on the street. Bicycle safety is a major concern on campus, and should be to everyone including motorists and pedestrians. Pedestrians and bicycle riders should be able to commute on campus without collisions.”

As well as teaching proper bicycle riding procedures, the DPS officials will inform people about theft prevention.

The party is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be located south of the Campanile and is hoped to attract many students and faculty on campus.

KCCQ-FM will be live on location at the ISU Roadblock Party.

Jaeger said he encourages everyone to come out to enjoy the free food and activities.