He shoots, he scores!

Chad Calek

So the Bulls have won their fourth title.

So the Bulls have had, statistically, the greatest team in NBA history. So Rodman is a hero.

So Jordan is once again the man. And after all of this, I say so what!

No offense to the Bulls as a team, but I am tired of the Bulls winning. For the first time in 10 years I didn’t even watch one game of the NBA finals.

Why? Because it was sooooo booooring.

Although I didn’t watch the game, I did hear some quotes from Dennis “I used to be ‘The Worm’ but now I’m a complete freak” Rodman.

Rodman, at the conclusion of the game said, “It’s good to see that the city of Chicago can support a guy who works his ass off.”

Oh Rodman, you blue collar worker you! I say it’s good to see the city of Chicago supports a pink- haired tattooed freak who will wear a garder belt any damn time he pleases. What a great guy he is.

You know, now that I think about it, Rodman has always been a team player.

Never getting technical fouls, always willing to share the limelight, never trying to make headlines and never ever being an idiot outside of the court.

Oh, wait a minute.

That’s not Rodman. That’s Kukoc I’m talking about.

I look at Rodman and it makes me want to cry.

I feel sorry for him. I don’t know if mommy beat him when he was young or if he just has to have that much attention.

I mean who else throws their fist in the air and celebrates up and down the court after he makes a monster … layup?

Oh well. I can say a few things about Rodman that I feel are undeniable facts.

Great rebounder. Terrible shooter. Punk.

Well, that about sums it up.

Now we move onto Jordan. Relax, I won’t rip on the king of dunk.

To me Jordan is living history. Every time we take a peak at ole’ number 23, we are watching the greatest basketball player that ever lived. Baseball? Well, that’s another story.

To Mike, I say you go you big hunk of gambling pride.

Then I heard Jordan apologize for leaving for 18 months.

Why would you apologize? You had nothing left to prove, right? Your Dad died and you were hurting.

Or was it because the NBA was on to your little gambling problem and was looking to give you an 18 month suspension?

No, it couldn’t have been that. Because you know that if the NBA did suspend Jordan it would be a financial killer for the league. No, that could never happen.

And I still say Phil Jackson should not be coach of the year. I mean, how much do you really coach Jordan, Rodman and Scottie Pippen. I’ll tell you how much. Not much. But hey, it’s the Bulls we’re talking about here.

Besides all of the things I merely touched on, I congratulate the Bulls on the greatest season ever, and I send congrats to the second winner, the Sonics.

Don’t worry Seattle. Jordan can’t play forever and Rodman will probably self destruct before too long.

Hey, there’s always next year. But then again, next year just means that the Bulls will win it again. So, I say hey, there’s always the year 2000.

Anyway, I’m done talking.

We’ll talk more later.