Willoughby pleased with Floyd’s decision to stay

Chad Calek

Dedric Willoughby heard the news as soon as the rest of the public did. Despite all the hoopla, Floyd was staying at Iowa State after coming to an agreement on a five year extension of his contract.

“I’m glad he’s staying. He’s very well-liked in this town, and it’s also good for the University,” Willoughby said.

This situation was all too familiar to Willoughby, who was coached by Floyd at New Orleans University before he accepted the head coaching job at ISU. Willoughby then followed Floyd to Iowa State in pursuit of his basketball goals.

“It all was looking the same. The situation was starting to look pretty similar. It was depressing for me,” Willoughby said.

Floyd, according to Dedric, had not said anything at all about his possible new job with the Chicago Bulls.

“I found out about it the same time everyone else did. I woke up and read about it. It was shocking. He never came to the team and told us really anything,” Willoughby said. “When we were at New Orleans he came to the team and told us that he wasn’t leaving. The next day he left. So, I’m glad it’s over. I hope he’s happy with his decision. I hope he’s happy being here. I think he made the right choice.”

Willoughby, Kenny Pratt, Shawn Bankhead and Kelvin Cato were all recruited by Floyd, which left some speculation if Floyd left could the team still continue their winning ways. The question was also raised on whether or not the loss of Floyd, who seems to be as popular in Ames as his players, would have affected the fan turnout.

“There wouldn’t have been any difference. We got used to winning last season and we liked it. We know how to win and it would still happen. We could still do it,” Willoughby said. “The fans I think would be the same, too. They like us. They support us and I’m sure they would continue to come out,” Willoughby said.

Willoughby also commented on the level that last year’s Cyclone team has brought ISU basketball, too.

“Before we came, ISU had never won a Big Eight title. Now they have. We did a lot. Not taking anything away from Freddie (Hoiberg), but I think we got the fans right back where they were,” Willoughby said.