Visiting Bulgarian professors at ISU

Tim Frerking

After 30 years of service to Iowa State students, the Student Health Center’s business office manager is retiring.

Jan Thomas began working for the Student Health Center on May 31, 1966, as a clerk in medical records.

“I have survived three ISU presidents, two Student Affairs vice presidents, five football coaches, six basketball coaches, five Student Health Center directors, five director secretaries, five business managers, five nurse supervisors, nine pharmacists, nine x-ray technicians, 14 lab technicians, 46 physicians, 40 nurses, 69 plus clerical staff members and one health educator,” she said.

When she started, university health centers didn’t have a good reputation and many doctors were biding their time until retirement, Thomas said. However, she has seen great improvement, and now the center has specialties like gynecology and allergy clinics; it also has five female physicians.

With her retirement, Thomas said there are several aspects of ISU she will miss, including the challenges that keep the job interesting, the feeling of comfort of being with the Health Center staff, doctors and nurses and the Iowa State Daily, but she will not miss parking.

“ISU parking has done well with me. I’ve paid a bunch of money,” Thomas said.

Some of Thomas’ co-workers questioned why she is retiring now when the new Student Health Center will be built soon. She just tells them, “I will bring you cookies.”

Thomas manages the staff registration and business office with ten staff members under her. She stays busy with the 250 to 300 patients who come through the center each day. “I love the Health Center and always have. The Student Health Center is my home away from home,” Thomas said. “I will miss the people interaction.”

Now she looks forward to the free time although she said it will take some getting used to.

“I have worked all these years and I can’t really imagine not working for a paycheck,” Thomas said.

The free time will give her a chance to do all those things Thomas has been wanting to do.

“My husband calls me a pack rat, but I think I’m a collector of things,” Thomas said.

Some of her projects include a Victorian doll house and a quilt made out of clothing labels. She also loves traveling.