Over $1,300 stolen from processing plant

Shuva Rahim

More than $1,300 was stolen from an Ames meat and food processing plant over the weekend, officials said.

According to the Ames Police Department, Carriage House Meat & Provision Co., Inc., 1131 Dayton Ave., reported that someone broke into the plant sometime between 9 p.m. Saturday, April 6 and 6 a.m. Monday, April 8.

Entry was made by throwing a piece of blacktop through a north office window. The suspect entered through the window’s locker room.

Three hundred forty dollars in cash, two rolls of quarters, $15 in loose quarters, a $1,000 check from Ames Processed Foods and three First National Bank bags, which are used to transport money, were stolen.

Jill Trager, assistant supervisor of the plant, said there are no suspects in the incident, but similar incidents have occurred in the past five years.

Past incidents “were probably worse than what happened this weekend,” she said. “In the past, [the thieves] have also stolen meat; this time they took cash.”

Trager said that although there is no suspect in the this incident, she does not think it is the same person who stole the meat. The theft was the first incident of its kind to occur this year, she said.

Trager would not comment on the building’s security. The case is still under investigation by Ames Police.