A little bit about just about everything

Tim Frerking

One more day after today, then we take a few tests, and we is OUTTA HERE!

It always gives me a good feeling to know that I have completed yet another semester of college.

When I hand in that final test and walk out the door I always feel very proud of what I accomplished.

At the same time I am grateful that I am one step closer to getting finished with college.

I can’t wait to get out of here and into the job market so I can work at a real job instead of at Wal-Mart, and so I can earn some real dinero.

This has been my first semester writing a column for the opinion page and I didn’t get a chance to say all I felt like saying so I am going to say it here.

* I attended all the home football games this year. I usually sat with my dedicated Cyclone fan relatives directly across the field from the band.

My cousins and I always joked about the band because it seemed like they played the ISU fight song every other down.

Even when the opposing team scored a touchdown they would play the ISU fight song. What were they thinking, “Kansas State just blew the defense away, again. We’re down by 40 points. Let’s rally! What song to use? Hmm…the ISU fight song! Maybe it just might work this time! 203 is a charm, you know.”

I like to watch college football on television from time to time and I hear the bands playing “Doctor Who.” I like the song because it gets the crowd into the game and can motivate players. It builds and builds until the whole stadium shouts, “HEY!” and then they do it a few more times.

Not our band.

The only crowd participation song they play is the fight song all the time and that tomahawk, alligator teeth song maybe three times during the contest.

How hard would it be to learn the best crowd participation song of all time?

On the bright side, I commend our marching band for marching around the stadium in the second half and for the traditional Cyclone march they do at the beginning of games.

I wonder how well they can run in circles on real grass. (Hippies, please don’t take that last sentence the wrong way.)

Speaking of real grass, I’m excited that the teams who play on Jack Trice Field won’t be falling down due to what my cousins and I call the curse of Jack Trice.

Next year Jack will only be putting his curse on opposing teams at his field.

* I think we should all boycott the new Cyclone logo because the school had to go to New York instead using the abilities of the students in the College of Design.

Also, the athletic department is charging more to have the privilege to buy season tickets. Hilton Magic is going to disappear if the farmers and blue collar fans can’t afford the tickets.

Then Hilton Coliseum will be more like Carver-Hawkeye Arena. Maybe that is what Gene Smith wants. Is home where the fans’ wallets are for ISU athletics?

* Next I want to say that there have been several good letters written for the “According to you…” section, but some of them, especially the abortion and religion ones, seem like “my dad can kick your dad’s ass” type of arguments.

* I also wonder why some finals are at 7:30 in the morning when we have a whole week and a whole university of rooms for testing. Who makes up these schedules? Who is responsible for this debacle?

A friend of mine has all of his classes in the morning, but most of his finals are in the evening. His problem is that he works in the evening. How difficult is it for the university to schedule morning class’s finals in the morning?

* I want to know who gave me the Andre the Giant sticker. Has anyone besides me noticed the abundance of Andre the Giant stickers in various places across campus?

On September 25th I wrote a column on ISU superstitions and supernaturals. I finished the column by saying that it is not wise to lock a bicycle to a pole with one of these stickers because Andre might become upset if something blocks people’s view of him. I also said that it is good luck for a person if they rub the sticker.

That night when I came home from work at Wal-Mart I found a sticker with Andre’s picture on it that read, “Andre the Giant has a posse.” I put the sticker on my sticker coated refrigerator.

I am still befuddled as to who gave me the sticker and who is responsible for the many stickers across campus. Maybe we’ll never know for sure.

Too many stickers in one paragraph? How’s this: How many stickers could a sticker stick if a sticker could stick stickers?

* Now that I have done my supposed generational part to show a “huge disdain for things” in the so-called “Decade of Cynicism” as Tim “Keanu” Davis appropriately calls it, I want to defend Kurt Cobain’s lyrics.

I’d like to say that even if at times they seemed to make perfect nonsense, it was OK because there are a lot of things today that make perfect nonsense.

Ever had a conversation with a friend that was chock full of movie quotes, slang, politically correct stuff, b.s., inside jokes that only people your own age would understand, and a few other nonsensical items?

In this day in age people say, “He said, like, y’know, and so I was like, umm, and then she goes, duh. So it was just so retro, y’know what I mean?”

Maybe lyrics that say “A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido” are appropriate for these days.

I also remember Kurt for lyrics that said things like, “Hate hate your enemies, save save your friends, find find your place, speak speak the truth.” Too bad the guy went and blew his head off.

I don’t think our generation needs a single spokesman anyway.

We’re not into uniting like the boomers. Our generation prefers to be divided on everything possible.

Have a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.

Tim Frerking is a junior in journalism mass communication from Pomeroy.