Elizabeth Dole makes appearance at Union

Erin Walter

Elizabeth Dole said her husband, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, has the abundance of “brains, heart and guts,” required to be the next president of the United States.

Elizabeth Dole spoke to a group of about 70 students and supporters of her husband, Wednesday in the Memorial Union’s Campanile Room. She has taken a year off from her job as head of the American Red Cross to campaign for her husband, who is seeking the 1996 Republican nomination for president.

Dole talked about her husband’s goals to put America “back on track” through welfare reform.

“Bob would like to limit the amount of time families can be on welfare, and create incentives for adoption,” Dole said. She said her husband wants to restore personal responsibility to the American people.

Bob Dole wants to “rein-in the federal government. It’s become too big, too bureaucratic. We’ve had a 40-year flow of power to Washington. Now it’s time to send power back to the states,” Dole said.

The senator has said he wants to shut down the federal Department of Education, as well as the Departments of Commerce, Housing and Urban Development and Energy. Dole also has said the defense budget has been cut too far. “There are still threats out there,” Elizabeth Dole said.

“Rap music is polluting the minds of our children,” Dole added in support of her husband’s stance against rap music and Time Warner.