SUB offers viewing of Jaws in State Gym pool

Daily Staff

The Student Union Board is offering an opportunity to be in the water with Jaws.

The board will be showing the movie with the same name at the State Gym pool tonight at 8 p.m.

The pool will be filled with 50 inner tubes for people to float on while taking in the classic killer shark movie from 1975. Admission is free.

Jeff Hankens, director of Student Union Board films, said: “We wanted to offer an opportunity that would combine entertainment and exercise.” The Student Health Advisory Committee is co-sponsoring the event.

The idea was conceived last year, but Hankens said it “failed miserably.” Hankens said he anticipates a good turnout this year.

Those interested in seeing the movie at the pool should arrive early. There is a limit on the number of people that will be allowed into the pool.

“Due to the number of lifeguards that we will have on duty, we will only be able to have about 50 people inside,” Hankens said.