GOP out of touch

Editorial Board

The American people have spoken. And while the Republican party may not want to hear it, the message is loud and clear: when it comes to answering the public’s needs, the GOP doesn’t always come through.

Since the “Republican Revolution,” when the GOP claimed that “America had spoken,” Republicans have stated many times that their stances were those of the American people.

While their justification for their stances on many issues since the “Republican Revolution” has been that “this is what America wants,” the Republicans are woefully out of touch on the subject of environmental protection.

A recent poll of American citizens has revealed that Americans oppose the recent Republican proposals in the House to reduce the powers of the Environmental Protection Agency by an almost 2-to-1 margin.

These reductions of EPA’s responsibilities would put in danger American land, animals, water and air. These are items upon which protection needs to be increased, not discarded by an overzealous bunch of corporatists.

While Republicans have always touted the “public good” as the motivation behind their legislative attempts, it was always questionable how GOP efforts that would lead to a reduction and reversal of previous attempts to protect our land, air and water from abuse could benefit Americans.

The answer from the American people is a loud and resounding, “It doesn’t!” Let’s hope House Republicans truly wish to follow the will of the people, and reverse their foolhardy efforts.