Candidate Newt?

Editorial Board

An open letter to House Speaker Newt Gingrich: Are you a candidate for the presidency of the United States or not?

We all know you have not formally announced your candidacy, but you are campaigning and hogging the spotlight like a candidate. You flirt with the press and constantly remind everyone that you have months left to announce.

Why not make it an official run now?

Is it because if you do, you will be subject to the same campaign finance controls as the other candidates?

Do you relish making people wait? Do you fear losing?

Tinkle or get off the potty, buddy.

You have alienated too much of the American populous. If you would come off your self-serving, egomaniacal trip, you would realize that you hurt your party every second you take air time away from bona fide Republican candidates.

On second thought, carry on as usual.