Politicians adding fuel to the fire of right-wing fury

Editorial Board

Despite the warning signs evident in the Oklahoma City bombing—arguably the worst incident on record of right-wing violence—conservative politicians have done little to curb their anti-immigrant and anti-government rhetoric. Given the militia movement’s growing hysteria over “Big Government” and white supremacists’ surging fears of an increasingly diverse America, one would think that our representatives would do all they could to hold their ground against such irrationality.

Instead, all we’ve seen is a crackdown on our civil liberties and greater powers extended to the FBI.

To make matters worse, Republicans have provided tacit support to militia militants by demonizing nearly every aspect of our federal government. In the eyes of many newly-elected GOP “revolutionaries,” regulations that protect our environment, ensure workplace and consumer safety and keep dangerous weapons off the street are nothing more than examples of government “tyranny” run amok.

What message does this send to far right wackos decked in camouflage with fertilizer bomb specs in hand? It says, in effect: “Your rights are being taken away from you-now is the time to fight back.”

Of course, most sensible people realize that most of what the militia regards as “tyranny” is really personal inconvenience for the purpose of the greater good. Speed limits, laws against pollution, and waiting periods for guns-all thorns in the side of militia members-are simply sensible safeguards against possible abuse.

Sadly, the militia is not the only force of hatred receiving a political boost from our leaders. Scores of proposals that would deny most, if not all, support services to immigrants (both illegal and legal) are also circulating Congress. GOP presidential contenders are making a contest out of who can develop the most effective barrier against “outsiders” who dare to believe that the free flow of goods and services also means the free flow of human beings.

Such anti-immigrant tones only add to the confidence of Aryan Nation members, one of whom had recently plotted to bomb a U.S. Courthouse in Spokane, Washington.

What these reactionary forces need is to have their ideas refuted and challenged. They surely don’t need the tacit support our political leaders are now giving them.