MCAG has successful summer

Tim Frerking

Many student clubs shut down for the summer. But the Multicultural Action Group, at the Union Drive Residence Association, decided to stay active over the summer.

The summer was a success.

This is the first active summer for the Multicultural Action Group (MCAG) in Friley Hall since 1986, when the group was formed. They are able to help students through the summer months and hold events for all summer students.

“Our mission is to help multicultural students successfully graduate from Iowa State with positive experiences through the academic and social support we offer,” MCAG President Karla Benson said.

The students help each other through school with group study sessions, social functions like a pizza and movies night, and peer mentoring to familiarize freshmen with the campus.

The group held Summa Jam II last Saturday to raise money so they could rent university vans to pick up incoming international students at the Des Moines Airport.

Charity Hardison, the group’s publicist, said she spreads support group information by word-of-mouth and fliers. When she was an incoming student from Chicago, she was used to partying and worried less about school, but when she became involved in the MCAG she found friends who wanted her to succeed in her endeavors, she said.

“I think it has enhanced my leadership ability and my focus on school. That’s why I wanted to be publicity chair – so I can help these freshmen coming in. These incoming freshmen can get really active in the support groups,” Hardison said.

Benson, who is from North Dakota, said, “The multicultural support groups are not strictly for minorities and international students. It’s for everybody. Anybody who lives in the residence halls is welcome to come to any of our meetings.” The next MCAG meeting is in September.

Former president and current student adviser Adewale Owolabi said new students should “become involved in the university in some aspect. Every group is not going to be for everyone. People have to choose where there interests are and where their skills are and that is where they really should go.”

Tomorrow at 7 p.m., the group will hold a spades tournament in room 2417, Friley Hall. All students are invited to form two-person teams and enter before 5 p.m. today at the Depot.