Iowa State students saw fees rise on their U-Bill once again this academic year. The collected fees are allocated to various campus services students may or may not utilize.
Mandatory student fees for the academic year 2022-2023 were $1,455 and now sit at $1,515, a 4.1% increase. The 4.1% increase comes out to a $60 per student increase, with the student health fee increasing the most.
Student Health
The $15 student health fee increase supports “optimal health of our university community” and will provide a full-time psychologist and support current staff and compensate for the increasing cost of medical supplies, according to Board of Regents documents.
The health fee rose to $151 for the academic year and is accompanied by a $3 health facility fee.
Thielen Student Health Center relies on health fee funds for about 50% of its operating budget, according to its website.
The health center provides flu shot distribution, screenings for international students, educational programs about safe drinking and sexual conduct, pharmacy services and more.
Students will pay $14 more for the technology fee to “support the increase in student-related software license costs,” according to Board of Regents documents.
According to the Office of the Registrar, the fee covers maintenance, support systems, AccessPlus and email. The standard technology fee is $187, but can vary depending on major. Design, computer science and engineering undergraduate students pay $295 annually for their technology. College of Business undergraduates pay $207 per year for their technology fee. Graduate students, excluding students in the College of Veterinary Medicine, will not pay the $14 increase.

CyRide will receive $11 more per student, citing increases in labor and fuel costs and meeting an increased demand for services. Last year, students paid a mandatory $210 to CyRide. This year, Iowa State students will pay $221, compared to the University of Iowa’s Cambus system which receives $66 per student for the current academic year.
CyRide offers fare-free riding to students on all routes and free routes to anyone on circulator routes, those bearing numbers in the twenties on its marquee.
Since 2019, funding from the farebox has supported less than 2% of CyRide’s operating expenses. Instead, the two largest supporters of CyRide’s operating budget are students’ mandatory fee and Federal Transit Administration Urbanized Area Formula Grants, totaling more than $10.5 million in CyRides most recent financial report.
Student Activity
The student activity and building fees will increase by $10 each. Student activity fee funds will be used to “cover inflationary effects on [Student Government] priorities” and provide additional funding for the Iowa State Daily, according to the Board of Regents Documents.
The student activity fee, previously $88, rises to $98 for the academic year, compared to University of Iowa’s $17.44 per student this academic year and University of Northern Iowa’s $123 per student this academic year.
The Iowa State Daily now offers per-article pay for reporters, an incentive that has not been offered in recent years.
Much of the $10 increase for building fees will support the Memorial Union, which underwent a renovation on floors 4-6, including conference rooms, student lounge spaces and new office spaces for various organizations, including the Center for LGBTQIA+ Student Success, International Student and Scholars Office, Student Legal Services and more.
Regents unanimously passed the measure, including a tuition increase, during the June Board of Regents meeting. Student leaders from each of the three regent institutions were in attendance to advocate for their student body.