Quotes from Blood drive

Grace Ekema

Source 1: Alaina Porth, Senior in psychology, co-director of the blood drive

“We’ll be able to send blood over to Nevada.” 

“We have to be on call to send over additions to what they already have.”

“The first two hours are slow and you could be in and out in twenty minutes.”

“After 2 p.m. is when we are the busiest. Wednesday and Thursday will be the busiest days.”

Source 2: Holly Yates, Manager, Donor Relations at Mississippi Valley

“As of right now, only Red Cross is the only center being delivered to Vegas currently. We have been in touch with Las Vegas and we are on call.”

 “During these events, blood has to be on the shelf. Luckily, its already there in Vegas, but they might need more.”

“We were able to help with the the hurricanes.”

“People have come to donate and they have said that the events have been on their mind’s.”

“It’s the best way to feel good during this critical state.”