Fame Should Not Get in the Way of Justice

Sarah Hays

Law enforcement today only receives about 20 percent of sexual assaults, leaving roughly 80 percent unreported. This statistic is drastic, but not surprising.

            Harvey Weinstein, an American film producer, makes an example of these statistics.

            First reported Oct. 5, 2017, allegations of sexual assault committed by Weinstein are now known. He has been committing assaults for years, hidden away by the victims, women who were afraid to speak up.

Sexual assault is prominent in today’s culture when it shouldn’t be, and Weinstein deserves the punishment that anyone committing a major felony receives.

On Oct. 8th, Weinstein resigned from his company after being fired. After wondering whether or not this assault would be surpassed, his resignation proves that sexual assault crimes deserve major punishment. Weinstein did not get away with it, like too many perpetrators do.

            For at least three decades, Weinstein has been making sexual advances towards women. A lot of these women have been actresses for movies that he has recorded, or have interacted with him in a completely professional setting.

            There is no excuse to what Weinstein has done, and talking about the offenses that he has caused is the first step, but no one should just brush this crime off of their shoulder once it filters out of the news.

            With Weinstein’s accomplishments, which are many, his celebrity status can grant him the power to simply move on from these accusations with no consequences. So many sexual assaults are unreported, and speaking up about it is sometimes the hardest part. The public should take this case and use it to show that sexual assault can happen anytime, anywhere, with anyone.

            The allegations of Weinstein need to be known, and he, just like any other perpetrator, deserved to receive the consequences that he did. Sexual assault is also a crime that not many speak about when they should. Any offense should not be brushed off, no matter how large or small of an offense it is, no matter who you are or what status you hold.