Welcome Back: Accounts to Follow


Claire Simmons

With social media being one of the first things all students check, it’s also a good way to stay connected throughout campus and make it seem small. From staying connected and checking stats to retweeting funny reaction memes and sharing GIFs with your friends, Iowa State University has a lot to offer in the Twitter universe.

ISU Police

The campus police department updates its account on Twitter almost daily with updates on what’s going on around campus as well as funny reactions to campus events. A good account to follow for both a laugh and staying up to date on police happenings.

Cyclone Health

Based out of the Thielen Student Health Center, Cyclone Health educates students on any and all illnesses going around and when/how to get tested. It also informs students and community members about Centers for Disease Control information and national health news.

Iowa State Daily

For campus, city, state, national and localization of world news, written by your very own classmates, the Iowa State Daily not only produces a daily print product but also online and mobile app content as well. Through links and updates, the Daily has all the news you need all at your fingertips.

Iowa State Athletics

Whether you’re looking to follow men’s basketball or women’s volleyball, each Iowa State sports team has its own handle dedicated to keeping the fans updated on all of the latest stats and news. Can’t make a game? Never fear, live Tweeting is here!

Iowa State University

Other than following all the individual colleges that are relevant to you, follow the university! With news of events on campus and the occasional throwback photo, this account is vital for every student.

ISU Student Government

Student Government advocates for the students. They’ll tell you what they’re working on, and you can tell them what issues you think need addressed.

Now that you know which accounts will keep you updated, follow them and be in the know of what’s going on around campus!