Transitioning into fall with autumn fashion

Josie Chesmore

The smell of pumpkin spice is in the air, meaning only one thing — fall is here. The transition from summer to fall can be awkward for clothing. In the morning, it feels as though you could get frostbite if not covered from head to toe. As the day progresses, it feels like the sweltering heat of mid-July. Come nighttime, mittens and scarves are favorable. The dynamic temperatures can be frustrating, but it’s also exciting to incorporate different textures and clothing elements into your wardrobe. 

To fair the transition, always dress in layers. A light jacket, a flannel or any other type of button-up or pullover can easily be paired with a tank top for a half-summer, half-fall look. When the morning chill starts to fade, you can easily slip off the top layer and still be comfortable.

Boots are the definition of fall footwear. Ankle boots are perfect for this time of year, especially paired with skirts or dresses. It’s a chance to show that last little bit of skin before the weather turns too cold, but still gives that fall flare. You can also switch this trick by wearing summer sandals with jeans.

Autumn is the perfect time to play with colors. Mix and match your bright summer pieces with your warmer cozy items. Whip out your favorite sundress and pair it with an oversized knitted cardigan. This style is flexible and versatile, so experiment with it often. 

While the seasons turn and you’re stuck with the side effects, try these style tips until you can fully immerse yourself in all the wonders of fall. Scarves, boots and cozy sweaters are just around the corner.