7 Normal things that are totally weird

7 Normal things that are totally weird

7 Normal things that are totally weird

Marykate Eccles

1. The word “thong” referring to women’s (and in super weird occasions, men’s) underwear.

Who thought making the same word for sandals and underwear was a good idea? Who in general thought the making of thongs (the undies) was a good idea? Probably some man who is way too fond of butts who can’t take the extra two seconds to just take the pair of panties off to reveal the booty.

2. Popping pimples

Okay, EW. A pimple is a gross bacteria inflamed bump filled with pus. Somehow, most of us find complete pleasure in popping these little (or big) guys. It’s like a sense of defeat; you’ve won the battle. Ha ha you’re dead, dude.

3. Watching TV

You are literally staring at a screen. A screen with made up scenarios that in no way will ever happen in your life. You sit there and feel emotion at things that aren’t even real.

4. Lifting weights

Don’t get me wrong, working out is great and everyone should be active in some kind of way. If you really think about it though, those who lift weights are simply holding iron. Just throwing around elements like it’s your job … never have been a big chemistry fan.

5. Taking selfies

Taking selfies is probably one of the strangest things people can do. You’re just standing there … smiling … in a room by yourself … at a camera held by yourself … awkward. You get embarrassed if someone sees you taking a selfie, but you will post it for the whole Internet world to see. We’re all guilty here.

6. Getting married

What a bizarre concept. Getting married is a truly amazing, truly weird thing. You are devoting every weird habit you have to someone else with a license … oddly romantic.

7. Playing sports

Sure, sports are fun and all, but who even created these ideas? Throwing a ball into a hoop, or rolling a heavy ball down a lane just seems completely weird. Your seventh grade gym class needed to relax with the competitiveness.

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