Quick facts you need to know about the shooting in Chapel Hill

Lindsay Greifzu

Three Muslim students were shot and killed in Chapel Hill, N.C., on Feb. 10. What was originally thought to be a neighborly dispute over parking has turned into an FBI hate crime investigation.

1. Authorities say the shooting was caused by a dispute over parking.

– Parking in the apartment complex is complicated, and the man charged with three accounts of murder, Craig Hicks, and the victims had problems with parking in the past.

2. Two of the victims were married only two months ago.

– Deah Shaddy Barakat and Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha were married in December 2014.

3. Hicks is said to be a “gun-toting liberal” and gay rights advocate

– He is an atheist and advocate for human rights. He has said he doesn’t care too much for politics but claims to care for people’s rights as humans.

4. Two of the victims were dental students and were planning a trip to help refugees in Syria

– This summer, Deah Shaddy Barakat and Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, newlyweds, planned to offer their expertise in dental care to people in refugee camps in Syria. The couple had set up a charity dedicated to collecting money to fund this.

5. The victim’s father says it was a hate crime

– A quote from psychiatrist Dr. Mohammad Abu-Salha:

“This has all the signs. It was execution style, a bullet in every head. This was not a dispute over a parking space; this was a hate crime. This man had picked on my daughter and her husband a couple of times before and he talked with them with his gun in his belt. And they were uncomfortable with him, but they did not know he would go this far,” he said. 

Check the Iowa State Daily website to see how ISU students honored the memory of the three victims.