Shelby’s college essentials

Shelby Kramer

Contigo coffee cup

Contigo is the It’s hard to admit that my life would be different if I didn’t have this coffee cup, but it’s the pathetic truth. This travel mug is a beast. It keeps my coffee warm for hours, it’s durable and very obviously portable with no annoying handle in the way, though they do have one with a handle if you like that sort of thing. Also, it has an auto-seal lid that keeps everything from spilling. It’s awesome and necessary for living my happy life.

Extra phone chargers

From being in the office at the Daily, traveling to friends and family, going to work and being in class, my phone chargers tend to disappear or be forgotten. It’s always a good idea to keep at least one extra both at your place and in your car, in case you ever lose or forget your charger. Not to sound too first world, but there’s nothing worse than a midnight Wal-Mart trip because Candy Crush drained your battery and you have no charger. 


Nothing much needs to be said about this, as I’m sure most of you readers already have this beautiful subscription. Netflix and Hulu are the go-to college stress relievers.

Awesome pens

I’m a note writer in class and there’s something awesome about using good pens. Good class materials generally last longer, look cooler and work better. It’s hard to spend the coin on something as simple as pens, but the investment is worth it.

Spare change and some cash

I usually carry my wallet with me when I go on campus, but on the off chance that I need some money, I always keep a little in my bookbag. Whether it’s change for a parking meter or money for some lunch, your extra money can be a life saver.

Nice printer

I know you get printing credits on campus, but it can be a pain to run around looking for a computer lab right before an assignment is due. Plus, there’s other, print-necessary things going on in your life that make your purchase of a personal printer a good one. Having your own printer is very convenient, regardless of the costs.

Ear buds

It’s a good idea to have a pair of earphones in your bag for whenever you need them. You may just want to listen to some tunes on your way to class, or you may need to watch videos for your class. Having your computer blaring in a common area is rude and disruptive, so keep it quiet and get your work done earlier by having your ear buds ready.