Letter: GSB voting scandal

In the Jan. 15 Iowa State Daily, Iowa State Government of the Student Body President Hillary Kletscher admitted to buying votes when she stated at the preceding GSB Senate meeting that  “I [Hillary] bought some votes last year. I did,” during a discussion of overriding her veto from last semester over whether to have caps to spending on GSB elections for this coming March. She also admitted to having bought candy and hot chocolate for students through the campaign process in her attempt to bribing students for extra votes.

As the GSB Election Commissioner from 2012-2014, it is upsetting that our representatives to the administration of both President Hillary Kletscher and Vice President Michael Hoefer conducted themselves so unethically while campaigning and have been elected in error and in a fraudulent manner. That is why I have petitioned the GSB Supreme Court to have the Election Commission conduct an Election Violation hearing to determine if her violations of the election warrant the nullification of the 2014 Executive Slate election and that both President Kletscher and Vice President Hoefer be removed from office.

How can the students, college and residence representatives, and the administration trust that the interests of the students will be represented when they won through fraud, bribery and buying of their positions? If we cannot trust and ensure the sanctity of our elections, what faith can we put in the leaders we have represent us when the foundation of democracy that is our elections have been abused.

Hillary Kletscher admitted to buying votes in last year’s election and I know that the Supreme Court of our student government will see to it that justice is brought against her. If she cannot be trusted to abide by or respect the rules and laws that she swore to uphold and protect, what does that say about the people she surrounds herself with on her cabinet, what her real motives and interests are as president. She ran on a platform of the “Year of the Student,” but this is the final straw in what she has turned into the “Year of Hillary.”