Things you should have on hand

Shelby Kramer

There are lots of ways to make your life easier, and one of those ways is to be prepared for some of the things that may come your way. It may seem simple or even pointless, but buying the items listed below so you have them in case of an emergency can save you time in the long run.

Too often people have to run to the store in search of that one particular thing that’s actually a staple in home life. Here are some things that are good to buy in advance so you’re ready when necessity strikes.

Always have extra light bulbs on hand. This isn’t an easy thing to remember to buy, but you’ll thank yourself when your bathroom light goes out and you’re quick to act with a replacement.

Also, try to remember to buy an umbrella, and, if you have one, actually use it. Day-to-day activities don’t require an umbrella when it’s muggy out, but wait until you’re all dressed up for an interview or important job or schoolwork. You’ll be patting yourself on the back when you show up clean and crisp versus soggy and ill-prepared.

Buying batteries in bulk can seem like a pain at the time, but it’s worth it to have the extras waiting for you when you need them for a gaming controller, alarm clock, flashlight, etc. Too often people buy the bare necessity, but it’s good to have extra batteries laying around.

Stamps are a big thing to forget, plus they can be pricey. Nowadays things are often done electronically, but you should be prepared for the instance of having to mail physical paperwork. With this comes envelopes, which are just as easy to forget in your trips to the store.

Try and have extra razor blades (for shaving) and bathroom necessities. It’s easy to run out of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, etc. and forget to grab it each time you’re at the store. Often there are sales for buying in bulk, so keep that in mind so you aren’t using the mini bottles of soap you grab when you stay in a hotel.

There are plenty of other things you should have on hand in case necessity dictates its use, but these are some basics. Most are readily available at your local store, but it can be a pain to make a special trip just for something you should have in your junk drawer.