Stress reduction during finals

Shelby Kramer

Finals are upon us and whether you’re submitting projects, giving reports, taking an exam, or all of the above, the stress can creep up on you (especially if you’re still involved with a part-time jobs, clubs or organizations, etc.) Here are some easy ways that might help you decompress from the crunch-time madness

Pet an animal

Dogs and cats have an uplifting sense about them, but if you’re not into that, seek out a friend, animal shelter, or pet shop to get your hands on the creature of your choosing. Relaxing and interacting with an animal could be a good way to ease your mind and enjoy some time with something that purely wants your attention.

Sweat it out

Whether you want to hit the gym, try yoga, or go for a run, stepping out of the study area and working up a sweat can work wonders on your overheated noggin.

Organize something

If you’ve hit a wall, accomplishing something may be a way to feel fulfilled and inspire you to keep chugging along. You can clean out your closet, organize your pantry, rearrange your desk, really anything to make you feel like you’ve done something especially productive with your time.

Take a break

This is a pretty obvious tool to ease your stress, but too often students overdo the “taking a break” strategy. Take ten or 15 minutes to listen to some music, read a chapter from your leisure book, or watch some tv. Doing your usual relaxing-time activities will make your brain feel less stressed.

Get your planner figured out

A big cause of stress can be from a student feeling jumbled with deadlines and what’s do with what when. Take a half hour to sit yourself down, read the syllabi, final guidelines and your old calendar, and work to get everything into one spot. Seeing your days planned out can help your anxiety and ensure you don’t forget anything.

Go out for a treat

This is just like the “taking a break” strategy, but in this you remove yourself from the study area, whether it be your bedroom or the library. Go with some friends to get some ice cream or lunch, maybe try something you haven’t before at the frozen yogurt place. Experiencing something somewhat out of the ordinary grind can lift your spirits and rejuvenate you to get back to the books.