Letter: Reject pipeline project, support renewable future

The public must demand a different energy future. That means making tough decisions to break our fossil fuel addiction — including a public rejection of projects such as the Dakota Access Pipeline — and demanding further development of renewable energy.

The pipeline would cut across 17 Iowa counties, including Story County, transporting crude oil from North Dakota. We need to reject the rhetoric from fossil-fuel companies who want us to believe that such projects promote energy security and create thousands of jobs. They do neither. They reap profits for private industry, exploit people and land, generate oil for export overseas and create minimal permanent jobs. 

This project is neither necessary nor convenient for Iowans. Those are the legal criteria by which the pipeline route is evaluated. An export pipeline across the state is not necessary, as it risks the safety of our land, water, air and people. It will not be convenient when pipeline spills could cost Iowa taxpayers millions of dollars. 

A group of community members will meet at 2 p.m. Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. in Ames City Hall in the Council Chambers to discuss the project. We invite all to join us, learn more and share information.