Recipe: Chipotle ranch salad

Sammi Berrafato

I am on a bit of a health streak right now so I have a recipe for my favorite salad to make!

What you need:


Cheese (shredded and whatever kind you like, I like cheddar)

Chipotle Ranch Dressing (I like the marketside brand)

Chicken (or leftover Thanksgiving turkey)

Tortilla Chips (Just crunch up one or two)


So making a salad is pretty self explanatory, so here are a few of my tips. If you are taking this with you to eat in between classes don’t put the dressing on, but put some in a Ziploc bag to avoid making it soggy. If you put chicken, or turkey, into the salad try using leftover chicken from fajitas for some extra flavor. Crunching up a few tortilla chips on top of the salad gives it more flavor and an extra crunch. So this is a super easy salad to make and hopefully it’ll help you feel less bloated in between these holidays all about eating.