Making magic at the crib

Shelby Kramer

We’ve all been there. Traditional, dinner-and-a-movie dates get boring and expensive; and it’s just time for a more personal change. That’s where the notorious invite to the home comes in. Whether you live in a house, apartment, dorm, or whatever, you can change the typical living area into a romantic and fun getaway for you and your lover.

You’ll need some supplies and the right mindset to makeover your crib into a love pad for the night, but it should pay off. Girls and guys alike love attention and feeling special; and who wouldn’t love some extra effort by his or her significant other to make a date night something different.

1. Set the scene

Try and spice up your place. Get rid of tacky decorations and a typical bachelor pad-ish feel of the single person. People usually appreciate clean, decorated places. Try putting some framed pictures on the counter, fuzzy blankets on the couch and generally spruce up. Also, candles and smelly stuff is a nice touch. This is a slippery slope for some guys, but use common sense. Also, bathroom spray does not count as making your place smell better. Bathroom stuff obviously smells like bathroom stuff. Ucky.

2. Clean..for the love of God, clean your place

Too many times a couple meets up and one is disgusted by the other’s lack of home hygiene. It’s generally a turn on for people to see a place picked up and everything lemony-fresh. I’m not saying you need to constantly go over-the-top, but keep it decent. TIP: If you want to make a great impression, clean the little area under your toilet. Trust me, guys, girls notice.

3. Privacy is key

If you’ve got bae over, there’s a good chance you don’t want to be interrupted. A roommate, friend or family member bursting in on you – whether or not you’re doing something naughty – is a huge turn off. Make sure you coordinate to maximize privacy and make sure your date goes as far as it can.

4. Don’t make your lover do too much

If you invite your significant other over, make sure you don’t have him or her work too hard. It’s good to avoid making it feel like it’s a chore to hang out with you. Ways to do this are things like not asking him or her to pick up anything from the store on the way over or driving too far to see you. Make your company appear like a treat, not a burden.

5. Bow chicka wow wow

Definitely not saying every in-home date leads to romantic relations, but lezzbereal. If you’re into that kind of thing with your romantic partner, then it might be a good idea to go the extra mile and make that night special. Light some candles, hang some drapes, dim the lights, strawberries and chocolate, baby oil (if you’re feeling freaky), whipped cream, whatever you’re into. Gestures like these could mean a lot to your love interest; and you’re almost guaranteed to have a good night (unless bae isn’t into any of this…in which case, sorry).

6. Do something special

This covers a broad range of possibilities. All it takes is to be fun, original, meaningful and maybe a little sexy. Repeat: Girls and guys alike love attention and feeling special. Play a board game or 21 questions, draw a picture together, bake something or make supper, play wrestle, look through old pictures of you two, film yourselves (naughty, naughty), try a new wine, just try and make it something out of the ordinary. Remember: sometimes things that would appear weird can actually turn out to be the most memorable happenings in a relationship.

There you have it, some tips on how to spice up your night. Not saying this is a full and bonafide love list, but it could get your mind turning. Keeping things interesting with your lover is a way to make your relationship last and your interest on each other.

Good luck, kids.