Wellness Wednesday: Staying healthy when fall rolls around

Sam Vander Forest

1. Get your flu shot

This is the number one thing you can do, and most college students forget to do it. They’re not expensive and I’m sure your parents would help you pay for it, if you even end up having to. You can get them at the Hy-Vee pharmacy, Thielen Student Health Center, CVS and many other places.

2. Wash your hands

A lot people don’t think they need to wash their hands all that often, but doctors recommend that during the flu season everyone washes their hands just as much as doctors. If you’re too lazy to stop and do that frequently, then pick up alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

3. Get some sleep

College students love to procrastinate and pull all-night study sessions, but the truth is, getting sleep should be your priority. Not only will it help you perform better the next day on a test, but sleep is also one of the biggest reasons people get sick in the first place. You can’t expect your body to run for that long without proper nourishment and rest. So be sure to get your eight hours every night, especially now that the temperature is dropping.

4. Keep your surroundings clean and tidy

This doesn’t just mean you should put your clothes away (though that is a good idea), but it also means to have Clorox wipes around. Being on college campuses and living in dorms or Greek houses can be germ heaven, so be sure to keep your own personal spaces clean by wiping door knobs, getting rid of dust, and having generally clean practices.