Spiff and spooky this Halloween

Christian Dahl

With Halloween rapidly approaching, many still do not have their costume picked out. If you happen to be one of those people, listen up and you will be looking spiffy and spooky come the 31st of October.

Do: Be creative, anyone can throw a sheet over them and be a “ghost”, or the equally basic throwing on of a football jersey claiming to be a football player. Think outside the box, look to current events and what is hot in pop culture and it will not be long until you find something refreshing.

Don’t: One thing that I would advice is not waiting until the last minute to go out and get a costume. If you wait until later in the week, chances are something that might have worked great has already been grabbed. It would not be a terrible idea to head out this weekend and scavenge the local thrift shops, which leads into our next tip.

Do: Whether you are missing one last unique piece to complete this year’s look, or are looking for your entire ensemble, do not hesitate to hit up a thrift shop. Usually loaded with vintage and miscellaneous items, thrift shops can be a gold mine.

Don’t: Lastly, do not hold back. This is the one night of the year to go out, change your identity for the night, and have a blast. Whether you are a character from a movie only a hand full of people have seen, or playing off an inside joke only your best friend understands, anything goes this time of year.

Oh and girls, please try not to all be Minions this time around.