Uganda quick facts


David Acker, Associate Dean of ISU’s academic and global programs, learning about the school garden program from Iowa State and Makerere University students.

Dylan Roth

Iowa State University’s Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihood’s main goal is to improve the quality of life for people who live in impoverished communities.

One of CSRL’s projects is a garden in Eastern Uganda to help the people in the Kamuli District.

Here are a few facts about Uganda.

Size: 93,072 square miles—60 percent larger than Iowa

Population: about 35.4 million

Poverty: 24.5 percent of the population is below the poverty line

Median age: 15 years

Life expectancy at birth: 50.4 years

*Information courtesy of the International Fund for Agricultural Development ( and the Government of Uganda (

To read a story about the ISU Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihood garden helping feed the people of the Kamuli District in Eastern Uganda, click here.