ISU men’s club volleyball team wins championship

Trey Alessio

The ISU men’s volleyball club made a trip to Dallas, Texas, on April 4, 2013 to play in the Division I AAA National Volleyball Tournament, where it emerged victorious and was crowned as the national champions.

The men initially traveled to Dallas to support the ISU women’s club volleyball team and ended up checking in and signing up as a last-minute venture, said junior and outside hitter Andrew Achenbaugh.

“We were kind of caught off guard to get in the tournament; we had to get mentally ready,” said Achenbaugh, junior in kinesiology and health.

A last-minute decision turned into glory.

The team’s run to the championship started out in the gym last fall with practices. With hard work and commitment, the team built its chemistry and came together to improve as a whole.

“We spent time outside of volleyball and hung out to build our chemistry,” said senior president Collin Gross, the team’s middle hitter.

The men’s club played in five tournaments other than nationals this season and were ranked following the third tournament.

“We play in one of the strongest conferences,” Gross said. “We have to play some of the top teams in the nation.”

As a club sport, the team faced multiple conflicts throughout the year. From class conflicts to funding problems, the team battled through adversity to continue practicing and getting better.

“I’m always thinking, ‘How can I do better? How is the offense and defense running? How can I help my teammates?'” said sophomore setter Francisco Murphy.

Murphy will be taking over as president of the club team next year and with the championship team this year, the expectations for next season’s team are already high. 

“We want to recruit and get our name out there,” Achenbaugh said. “If we keep working, we can be a solid volleyball club.”

Murphy also said he wants the team to work on commitment for next season.

Many of the players emphasized getting back in the gym and working on their skills for next season while still celebrating the championship run.

“Personally, I’m going to hit the gym and do my best to try to get better by working on the basics,” Murphy said.

The ISU’s men’s club volleyball team holds open gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays at around 6 p.m. at Forker.