Letter to the editor: Vote Rediske-Bauer for a breath of fresh air

Gabrielle Williams

When I was first sought after to endorse the Rediske-Bauer campaign I was very touched and excited to watch these two young men, that I respect very much, embark on this unique experience to become Government of the Student Body president and vice president. I was excited because I knew there was something wonderfully different about these gentlemen and their experiences, which allow them to complement one another in a way that is rarely found.

I have been fortunate enough to work with both Dan Rediske and Zach Bauer and have seen their innate power to be proactive and get things done. For example Senator Rediske sits on the CyRide board of trustees. It is here that he worked hard to make sure the NextBUS system idea into a reality. He did not simply vote yes on this system but instead took action and helped implement a system that has greatly enhanced the function and usage of CyRide for students.

Bauer has followed this similar pattern of taking action. He has done amazing things for the communication of our organization as well as the university and that has been seen in the legislation he has helped draft. He was instrumental, along with Rediske, in further developing our “connecting with constituents” policy. He took what he had learned from attending the Big 12 conference and had the foresight and drive to implement an “ISU Outreach Program” that has been easier to follow and encompasses more of the student experience.

It is projects like these that show how Rediske and Bauer are in touch with students and the things they need to make their experience great and for all of us to grow and develop together. I feel that their opponent is slightly out of touch with this ideal. Their opponents stress their wanting to put Students First. In their platform they state: ”We have to stop valuing our time more than yours.” This to me seems to say that GSB’s time is different than yours, the students. This is not how I think, nor do many senators. This is perhaps why so many of our senators have instead endorsed the Rediske-Bauer campaign. Senators Rediske and Bauer believe that GSB’s time is supposed to be your time. That our job is representing students and their interests and projects and ideas, that is what GSB is here for. The student body government is you, the students; we are not two different things.

Thought process to that effect are maybe some of the cause of so much miscommunication within and around the organization. This is why new thoughts and ideas need to be brought into our organization. We need to be lead into a new era where students know that GSB’s time is for them. We are in dire need of leaders like Rediske and Bauer. So, in this time of emergency when the executive branch and the student BODY as a whole need a BREATH of fresh air, Rediske and Bauer are ready come to the rescue with a plan of action we’re all familiar with: CPR. For Rediske and Bauer, CPR stands for Communication, Projects and Representation. With everything I have talked about I am sure you will agree that these are the right men for the job, and I hope you certify them to perform such a task with your vote.