Choose the perfect swimsuit


Photo courtesy of Everything But Water

One piece swimsuits are a huge trend this spring. Choose a dark or matte style for an instant slimming effect.

Kate Bruce

The weather’s getting warmer, and that means it is time to find the perfect swimsuit to make you feel nothing less than fabulous.

Jessica Plovich, a stylist at Everything But Water, provided her tips to help any woman find the perfect fit and style to complement her body type.

If you’re a woman looking to find the perfect suit to slim your hips, Plovich suggested going with a style that runs very tight to create more of a silhouette, such as their store’s Miraclesuit.

Also, avoid a wild bottom. Remember to show off your best assets with colors, prints and embellishments and downplay others with darker solids.

If you want to boost a small bust, Plovich stressed avoiding bandeaus and sliding triangle tops.

Instead, choosing a halter can create more support and flatter your top. A top with extras, such as ruffles or fringe, also creates more volume.

Plovich said that larger busts are the most difficult to style.

“Women with a large bust but small everywhere else will have a hard time wearing a one piece,” Plovich said. “They will have to go a size up for the top and everywhere else will be loose.”

 To flatter a large chest, skip the bandeaus, which lack support, and instead choose a halter or lingerie style.

“Be careful with lingerie styles though,” Plovich said, “if they’re padded they can give too much cleavage.”

Choosing a matte material will help to slim your center. Shiny materials can at times highlight every bump and make you look larger.

A suit with a high-cut leg or low-cut top also can help slim a figure because it draws eyes away from your center.

“To flatter any curves”, Plovich said, “a huge style currently is the monokini.”

A monokini is a one piece with cutouts.

“This is a great idea,” Plovich said, “because it covers your center and back, but shows off the sides.”

 For the many women who dread swimsuit shopping, Plovich reminded them that, “confidence is the sexiest thing a woman could have.”