GSB hears Parking Division report

Charles O'Brien

Over $1 million in parking fines were given out last year, said Mark Miller, manager of ISU Parking Division.

At the beginning of last night’s Government of the Student Body meeting, Miller and Mishelle Michel, also of the Parking Division, gave a presentation highlighting statistical information about the Parking Division.

Last year the Parking Division had $3,549,297 in revenue which is generated by parking passes ($1,948,624 in revenue generated from passes) and fines.

But also last year Parking Division had $3,073,799 in expenditures. Some expenditures included funding CyRide, ($261,000 funded to CyRide specifically to put more buses on the Orange Route,) snow removal, upkeep and salaries. This all calculates out to a net income of $475,498 for the Parking Division.

“Last year we wrote 70,000 parking tickets, but we had about 7 million cars visit campus,” Miller said.

Some other statistics that Miller and Michel stated were that 116 cars were towed last year, not including football games. They had 6,371 safety escort calls last year which is an increase of 2,000 calls in the past couple of years. Last year one student had a total of 150 parking tickets, and $850,000 has been spent in the past two years to improve parking lots and $368,146 a year for the past five years has been spent to maintain parking lots.

Miller also spoke about how there has been a decrease in parking spots on campus due to the expansion of building new buildings on campus and renovations. He also touched on some initiatives that the Parking Division has been working on like cameras for ticket writers, online appeals, visitor void link online and online permit renewal process.

The “Mock Trial Competition” bill, which requested that $599.60 be allocated to the Mock Trial Club for transportation was passed 29-0-0.

“Funding a Band for Cyclone Ballroom Event” bill was passed 25-0-1 and was allocated $740 to fund a band for their ballroom event on April 7.