GSB presidential candidates debate Tuesday night

Charles O'Brien

With the election for the Government of the Student Body president just a week away and with candidates out on the campaign trail, a debate is scheduled for the two campaigns of presidential candidates Jake Swanson and Jared Knight and their respective running mates David Bartholomew and Katie Brown.

The debate is set to begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday night in the Gallery Room of the Memorial Union. The debate will last approximately an hour with Marybeth Konkowski, senior in communication studies and election commissioner for GSB, acting as the debate moderator along with Mike Hoefer, junior in computer engineering and Freshman Council president, as the co-moderator.

“Debates are a good opportunity to contrast the differences between both candidates,” Knight, senior in political science, said. 

The debate is to start with an open statement by the candidates followed by questions asked by the moderator and will be wrapped up with closing statements by the candidates.

Some questions that the candidates could face tonight that have been asked at past debates are questions asking about the candidates’ platforms, student debt and even what would the candidate do with $1 million dollars.

“This debate is important to compare the candidates side by side and will help show students how well-rounded David [Bartholomew] and I are,” said Swanson, junior in public service and administration in agriculture.

Both candidates plan to emphasize their differences from one another and make their platform clear to students during the debate. Both candidates also said they felt very prepared and during their opening and closing statements want to focus on their issues most relevant to students.

“I’m excited to have some good questions and debates during the debate,” Swanson said. “We are also are very prepared and are hoping for a good student turnout.”

Following the debate, both candidates plan to continue to meet with clubs and organizations throughout the week up until the elections next week which begin Monday and run until March 6.

“I’m very excited. It’s going to be fun, and it will be a good opportunity to see both sides of the issues,” Knight said.