GSB discussing green roof for MU

Charles O'Brien

GSB was introduced to a bill this week which is asking for $40,000 in funding for a “green roof” on the Memorial Union. The amount will not cover the entire cost of the roof, but the money would come from the capital projects account. The “green roof,” if funded, will be placed on the north side of the Multicultural Center of the Memorial Union.

The $40,000 would also go towards restoring the Fountain of the Four Seasons in front of the Union to working condition. This bill will be voted on at the Oct. 26 meeting.

The Iowa State Model Aviation Club was granted funding of $681.75 for insuring the longevity of the club and buying new equipment for the club. These funds will be drawn from the Capital Projects Account.

At next week’s GSB meeting, a Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness will take place with all of the senators participating.