GSB President Dakota Hoben welcomes students into the Cyclone family

Dear Incoming Students,

On behalf of the Government of the Student Body and all current students, congratulations on your acceptance to Iowa State. We anxiously look forward to your presence on campus this coming fall and look forward to how you can contribute to making this university a great place for many years to come. I hope that by now you are starting to get excited for the fall semester. We know this is an exciting time full of changes and new beginnings for many of you. We hope that with all of this excitement and anticipation that you do not lose sight of the bigger picture that you are now a part of.

Iowa State has a rich history of tradition and achievement; producing some of finest professionals in all fields. Coming to Iowa State means you are a part of a new family, the Cyclone family. We know the transition to what appears to be a large university is not always easy. We realize that part of being in the Cyclone family means that we strive to support and engage fellow Cyclones. As new students you will be bombarded with resources and information as you start your adventure. Our hope is that you would not be shy about seeking help from the many friendly faces on campus that make up our family. As the representative body of the students at Iowa State we always have an open door and are willing to listen to the concerns of any student. Please feel free to use us as a resource and know that we are always willing to listen and interact with students.

As you look to make the most of your college experience I hope that whatever your interests are that you will become actively engaged in your student experience. Whether it is faith organizations like the Salt Company, department organizations such as the Associated General Contractors of America, or multi-cultural organizations such as the Mexican-American Young Achievers Society, we hope that you will find your niche here at Iowa State. Taking ownership of your college experience is one of the best pieces of advice that I can give you as I reflect upon my three years at this great institution.

We hope that as a student you realize the paths you are forging as you forever tie your name to this institution. Please know that for more than 150 years Iowa State has been a cornerstone of excellence among land grant institutions. So, make us proud by fulfilling a life of integrity as you embark on your great adventure. My hope is that these four short years in college will not be your best years, but only the beginning of your best years. Study hard. Have fun and make the most of your experience, welcome to Iowa State.

Go Cyclones,

Dakota Hoben

GSB president

Senior in agricultural business, political science, international agriculture, and economics