Lacrosse, rugby teams to face Hawkeyes Friday

Paul Flies

The rivalry between Iowa and Iowa State can be described as intense and extremely competitive. This is not as true when describing the men’s rugby and lacrosse clubs.

“When we play Iowa, we like to have fun, so we’re not like the traditional rivalry. The main thing we try to do is have a good time,” said Brian Berg, sophomore in kinesiology and captain of the lacrosse club.

Brian Streeper, senior in construction engineering and captain of the ISU rugby club team, sees his game with Iowa as just another game on the schedule. For his team, Iowa is not even seen as the biggest in-state foe.

“Our rivalry with Iowa is nothing compared to our games with UNI. The Iowa games are easily much friendlier,” Streeper said.

Even more bizarre than the Hawkeyes and Cyclones getting along in a competition has been the result of the lacrosse games. Over the last four years, Iowa has won each of the events played in the fall, while Iowa State has taken the spring matches.

The rugby club team has also experienced very close competition. In the past year alone, Iowa State saw one of their games end in a tie and the other with an overtime victory.

Just like the rest of the student body, the football game on Saturday is still the event the rugby and lacrosse club teams look forward to the most. Lacrosse player Jacob Oakland, senior in industrial engineering, enjoys the current format of playing these games as a precursor to the main event.

“I think it’s an awesome idea of having the site of the football game also host our event. It allows us to travel to the football game and support the team,” Oakland said.

Streeper also feels that having the lacrosse and rugby club teams play each other on the same weekend is a good idea.

“I really like how it is scheduled now. I think that having us play Iowa the night before adds more to the weekend and gets everyone really in the mood for the game Saturday.”

This year, the lacrosse and rugby matches will both be held in Ames. The teams will play at 4 p.m. Friday on the fields located east of the Towers residence halls. Admission to the events is free.