Campus renovations continue on schedule

Nimota Nasiru

The Government of the Student Body met Wednesday night and heard a presentation on the updates for the Memorial Union.

Items on the agenda included updates on the construction in the Memorial Union by Gail Ferlazzo, associate director of the Memorial Union, as well as updates on campus life by Maggie Luttrell, GSB ex-officio City Council liaison and junior in history.

Ferlazzo said renovations on the Union are coming along smoothly.

She also talked about the new parking system for the MU parking ramp. Each machine cost $60,000 and are located throughout the Union to provide an easy, quick way for visitors and students to pay for parking.

Ferlazzo also said that all parking permits for the fall semester have been sold, and only a few remain for the spring.

The stair and elevator glass enclosure being built next to the parking ramp on the east end of the Union will be completed by winter 2007, Ferlazzo said, and will house not only an entrance to the Memorial Union Hotel, but the University Book Store as well.

She excitedly related that the Great Hall renovations, soon to be ballroom complex, should be completed by late September 2007, although the new sound and acoustic system will not be installed until November. However, she said the public ballroom will be open for use and temporary sound systems will also be available.

The Multicultural Center, Ferlazzo said, is scheduled to open fall 2008.

The office space for campus organizations was relocated to the third floor of the Union in a double-room suite. One of the new ideas this office has in store for student organizations is purchase cards, which will allow members to purchase items for their respective groups more efficiently.

Luttrell said public restrooms are now available in Campustown from 8 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. The restrooms are located at 303 Welch Ave. and 202 Stanton Ave. The restrooms are funded by the Ames City Council.

Next week, GSB will be discussing and voting on a resolution concerning arming campus police.