Dining services, MU catering will merge

Jessica Anderson

Perhaps the way to ISU students’ hearts is through their stomachs. Or maybe the way to win them over is to create a consolidated dining system by merging University Dining Services with Memorial Union catering.

Either way, Iowa State’s new GSB president, T.J. Schneider, said the merger will improve the quality of food service at the university, and talks between the dining and the catering offices are nearing an end.

An agreement will combine both food systems under a single director, and allow students with meal plans to eat at any dining area on campus, including the residence halls, Memorial Union food court, Design Cafe and the Dog Wagon.

“The biggest people to see a benefit would be those in the residence halls,” the Government of the Student Body president said in a meeting with Daily editors and reporters.

No large changes are expected for students who do not live in the residence halls.

“Off-campus students should not see a big change

except in quality of food, and there should not be a big price change that I foresee,” he said.

Schneider believes plans will be finalized and contracts will be signed by Oct. 1.

Jonathan Lewis, director of campus dining, will become the director of the merged group and will be responsible for all food service on campus.

Lewis said following the completion of the agreement, Memorial Union employees would transfer to Iowa State payroll and work for the University Dining Services.

Lewis said this plan benefits the university by combining all of the resources into a bigger department with more resources.

Schneider said this plan has been in negotiations for about five years.