Two slates to debate Thursday for IRHA leadership

Jyni Ekins

Two slates will be debating Thursday night for the presidential and vice presidential seats of the Inter-Residence Hall Association.

Elections will be held from midnight to midnight April 3 online at

IRHA will also vote Thursday on two conference bills. The first bill is a proposal to make students attending conferences sponsored by IRHA more accountable for what they learn by giving presentations when they return.

The other bill is a proposal to eliminate the conferences committee from IRHA altogether.

New business includes a bill to approve the IRHA fiscal year 2003 budget, a funding bill to allocate $2,500 to TRA and an order to impeach Sarai Arnold, BLFF/N Hall representative, for more than three unexcused absences.

“I am mandated by the bylaws to write the order,” Dave Boike, IRHA vice president said. “Currently it has no sponsors . and if two people don’t put their names on it, then the impeachment order will die.”

Arnold was unavailable for comment.

President: Keith Twombley, TRA president

Vice President: Jessica Raim, UDA at-large

Twombley said he has a three-part plan to improve IRHA, including working with the Government of the Study Body, providing more services to students and encouraging residence hall residents to register to vote.

“We’ve got about 8,000 students, give or take” in the residence halls, Twombley said. “Eight thousand people can really get someone’s attention if we get everyone to vote.”

Raim said she will improve relations between GSB and IRHA, as well as work on getting more people involved in student government.

“We’d like to hold a co-leadership retreat with GSB,” she said.

“We’d also like to hold a 30-minute block during New Student Days to let students know about what student government has to offer.”

Twombley said the parliamentary procedure used in student government can seem daunting to students, and he and Raim would like to help teach students about it.

“We want to familiarize students with it better so they’re not as afraid to get involved,” Raim said about parliamentary procedure.

They are also concerned with creating a more culturally diverse atmosphere, she said.

“[We’d] like to get captioning for some of the movies [shown in residence halls] for the hearing-impaired students on campus,” she said.

President: Heather Minish, IRHA director of special events

Vice President: Alissa Amber Hoermann, vice president of UDA

Minish, formerly the IRHA secretary, said there are three things she and Hoermann would like to accomplish.

“We believe students should have a direct route to the Director of the Department of Residence Randy Alexander, and we would like to create open forums for the students to talk to him,” she said.

CyRide routes need to be more friendly to residence halls, Minish said.

“We think that all the CyRide routes that go past the residence halls need to be more consistent and helpful for the students,” she said.

Minish and Hoermann want to garner student support for Government of the Student Body executive elections, which will affect tuition-rate increases.

“We want to get a task force set up in residence halls to get the majority of students in the residence halls to vote next year,” Minish said.

Hoermann was unavailable for comment.